Banking & Payments

AI is playing a very crucial role in Banking & Payments Industry

Financial services companies will spend US$11 billion on AI in 2020, according to an analysis by IDC3 Statistics.

How automated decisions & digital payments is helping banking & payments industry

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Billions of global digital payments is projected by 2020
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Of the financial service providers are already using AI in one or the other activity currently
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Improvements in overall processing time using AI
0 s
second it takes for a robotic reconciliation of a failed trade vs. 5-10 minutes by a human

AI, ML & ChatBots are reshaping the global banking and payments industry

Enhanced Customer Experience through ChatBot & VideoBots

Based on the past interactions with the customers, CoRover powered AI conversational platform develops a better understanding of customer behavior and ask which enables Banks & Payment solution providers to customize their products and services by adding personalized features and

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CoRover’s AI backed platform helps you to predict the future scenarios by analyzing the past transactions behavior which in turn helps you to identify the fraud, detect anti-money laundering and make customer recommendations. With the power of Machine learning and cognition, CoRover AI

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Fighting Fraud Intelligently

Intelligent IVR System to reduce call hold time

CoRover offered intelligent IVR solutions helps customers to get their queries answered instead of being in queue to get hold of live agents. IVR does the identity verification for the customers and intelligently pass on the required secured information. Based on the identification of the intent of the

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Based on the past conversations that a customer did with the ChatBot or to the Live Agent, CoRover AI can understand the emotions, their desire and the kind of offers/deals that customers might be interested in. Personalized & curated deals are again one of the offerings based on which Banks and

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Personalization through Past Conversations

Effective decision making

CoRover AI framework, by definition & rules, focuses on machines that are designed to be intelligent enough to work and react like humans. Cognitive systems that think and respond like human experts, provide optimal solutions based on real-time data.

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Voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple Siri, and Microsoft Cortana are giving customers a chance to interact with banking institution’s without the intervention of customer agents. These devices can be used at home or on their phones to provide conversational interaction with

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Smart Voice assistants

Future of AI is ready! Are you?