Tech entrepreneurs are dominating the globe! All modern conglomerates that have changed the world were the work of an entrepreneur in action. Most of the buzz surrounding an entrepreneur and their work is generated online in our increasingly digital realities. Someone had to come up with an idea and then make the effort to build it up. Someone had to believe in that idea and fork over the money to make it a reality. And when you finally unveil your creation. You have to hope that it will be successful to justify the effort put into it. Entrepreneurship is a really laborious and time-consuming effort.
Analytics Insight has been a leading source of recognizing organizations and executives. Also That are playing a significant role in shaping the future of emerging technologies and their capabilities globally. And The Top 50 Tech Entrepreneurs of the Year 2022 recognizes executives and leaders who have been disrupting. Moreover The digital ecosystem by engaging in more forward-looking ways of thinking and redesigning solutions to transition businesses globally. Moreover, each hired a talented team of developers, project managers, and others to see that vision through to actualization. Additionally, these tech companies identified customer pain points early on and created hyper-targeted solutions designed to exceed customers’ expectations. These and other factors contribute to the success of any industry-leading visionary.
1. Anand Sahay
Designation: CEO
Company: Xebia
As the CEO and Co-Founder of Xebia Global Services, Anand is both an entrepreneur and a leader. On a daily basis. He focuses on helping business leaders to solve critical problems as well as run the company. In his career, Anand has been exposed to a diverse range of organizations, functional groups, and cultures. He Also admits that collectively. Moreover These experiences and people have contributed to the person and business leader he is today. Anand shares some of the greatest leadership lessons he has learned throughout his career. “No one can run and grow a company alone.
The only option is to continuously find people better than you. It’s also important to give them a free hand while obsessively removing any kind of ‘fear’ from their minds,” says Anand. He states that communicating the larger goals continuously to one’s leaders is another critical aspect to succeed. Also adds that awareness of his own weaknesses has been one of the harder things which he realized is crucial to building a high-performance team.
2. Andrew Wildrix
Designation: CIO
Company: Intrusion
Andrew Wildrix retired from the Army after 24 years of service. Working for AT&T Labs and Advanced Technical Support, he developed his technical skills. Not just that, furthermore Andrew took early retirement to pursue a career within the startup world and ended up at Intrusion. Andrew currently serves as the CIO of the company, responsible for the IT, Engineering, Operations, and Support organizations.
Serving globally in peacekeeping roles and wartime missions exposed him to unique cultures and experiences. He could not have gained elsewhere. Also mentions that the time he spent in telecom developed an insatiable curiosity to explore the theory behind all the technologies. However He was exposed to. Andrew remarks that his time in the startup world presented many opportunities to excel by learning to adapt to a resource-constrained environment.
3. Ankush Sabharwal
Designation: Founder and CEO
Company: CoRover
With over 16 years of experience in building SaaS products, Ankush has built and spearheaded the global winning teams to design scalable and secure enterprise platforms. Moreover As a technology leader, Ankush has led many start-ups and large MNCs across Asia, North America, and Europe. Has generated multi-million dollars in revenue with pay per use, subscriptions, and license fees. Moreover The peak team size Ankush managed/led is 1200 and peak software license fees from one customer is US$5 million per year. Honouring his technical, business, and leadership acumen, many national and international level honors have been awarded to Ankush. Therefore He pursued his MS (Software Engineering) from BITS, Pilani, MBA from ICFAI, Executive Management Program from IIM-C, and Entrepreneurship 101 from MIT.
4. Anoop G Prabhu
Designation: Co-Founder and CTO
Company: Vehant Technologies
Since his college days, he has had a keen interest in imaging and computer vision technologies. During an internship at the IBM Research Labs, Anoop worked on R&D problems in the multimedia and image processing space. Subsequently, he also worked on another short stint at Mobileye’s Research Centre. Which is a pioneer in camera-based driver assistance systems in Israel, and this is when Anoop firmed up his interest in building solutions in imaging and AI technology circle.
Talking about how it all started, i.e., in the early 2000s, Anoop mentions that the future of the global vehicle surveillance market seemed promising with opportunities in the passenger car and commercial vehicle industries where security became more important due to terror attacks, security threats, etc. And so, he states that the demand for high-end technology solutions, growing R&D, changes in the pattern of buying, economic growth, and spreading awareness towards vehicle safety fuelled the market’s growth. In such a case, Vehant identified security as one area which was gaining huge prominence. In 2005, he Co-Founded the company along with Kapil Bardeja (Co-Founder and CEO) to build ‘ZenScan’, which is the under-vehicle scanning system.
5. Anthony Branda
Designation: Founder and CEO
Company: Analytics Hall of Fame
Anthony’s claim to fame is demonstrated by his ability to connect the dots and mesh business strategies, technical know-how, and data science into a cohesive approach, communicating and driving consensus with stakeholders to drive the best business and customer outcomes. Furthermore He has had rotations in all aspects of Banking Information Management and Analytics including consumer, commercial, investments, private and retail banking, and real estate. Anthony claims that he is a vociferous learner, completing Certifications in Analytics (CAP) and Data Science (John Hopkins), and AI (MIT), in addition to earning a Doctorate in Marketing Analytics.
As an evangelist of DA, Anthony founded an M.S. Also in Marketing Analytics at Pace University. Moreover He led a group of experts and industry executives to establish the Analytics Hall of Fame (AHOF), where he is the CEO. Besides, he is also an infamous author in practitioner-oriented journals with articles on how firms can integrate analytics with marketing practices to improve business results.
6. Arshad Hisham
Designation: Founder and CEO
Company: inGen Dynamics
All it can need is the stardust of imagination, energy, and, in this case, the timely marriage of state-of-the-art technology with everyday living. So, it is with inGen Dynamics Inc., the conspicuous brainchild of Founder & CEO Arshad Hisham, a serial entrepreneur, business leader, and internationally published inventor, engineer and futurist. Founded in Palo Alto in 2015, the company stands as an emphatic reflection of Arshad’s determination to “make better”; a man on a mission to turn possible into probable by harnessing AI and Robotics towards innovative solutions that simplify complexity for all of us.
That’s why inGen Dynamics is really the developing story of one man, a lifetime sci-fi fanatic turned future-maker. Such as Its vision is Arshad’s passion, to materialize fictional stories of scientific advancement by progressively delivering intelligent, affordable, and practical Automation that will solve real-world problems and enhance quality of life. Moreover The future is bright; the company and its products have already been recognized by major associations including IEEE, Disney, Boston Consulting Group, and Robo-Business, referenced, and studied by prestigious universities worldwide, and featured in multiple major global research reports on security and home robotics.
Having the passion and prescience to turn science fantasy into science reality; there are few better stories than that.
7. Belinda Finch
Designation: Chief Information Officer
Company: Three UK
Belinda Finch is currently the Chief Information Officer of Three UK. She is responsible for all IT-related things, whether be it delivering new technology required for its new products or propositions across all channels, managing changes to its Call Centre technology, the digital estate and retail systems, Billing, and CRM. Basically, all things in IT that make a connectivity company like Three operate come under Belinda’s control.
Belinda works very closely with the commercial and customer experience teams to ensure that she can react very quickly when there is an issue that could impact customer experience or new technology that could help the company advance in certain areas. As well as this Business-as-usual role, Belinda is responsible for transforming not only Three’s IT stack to enable it to give a better customer and agent experience, but also transforming its ways of working to enable the team to work hand in hand with the rest of the organization.
Belinda is a firm believer in Business Led IT to change and this is what she is advocating at Three. Her background is in IT and transformation and she was previously the CIO at Centrica Group PLC and Transformation and Digital Director at Vodafone. She was also an Accenture management consultant for 8 years, and that is where she learned most about ensuring business and IT are absolutely aligned in their goals and priorities.
8. Brenda Cohen
Designation: Co-Founder and CMO
Company: Award Pool
Brenda Cohen is the Co-Founder and CMO of Award Pool. She also started her journey as a Creative Director and Start-up Executive. Moreover Brenda helps clients in finding their footing in the early stages of business development, aiding to create solid business plans, branding, messaging, marketing campaigns, and a roadmap for business goals Brenda Cohen. Also along with her husband, Reuven, started several companies over the years including their first company, Enomaly, which was among the first to develop a self-service infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform, and in 2012 merged with Virtustream.
9. Christina O’Reilly
Designation: Chief Marketing Officer
Company: Gensquared
As the Chief Marketing Officer of Gensquared, Christina O’Reilly is responsible for demand generation, brand management, and partner management. She is also the host of ‘Data-Driven Leaders’, a podcast series that features conversations with business and technology leaders who share their journeys, challenges, and thoughts about the future of data and analytics. Christina has over 20 years of experience as an award-winning leader and has worked for several innovative global companies such as PeopleSoft, Microsoft, SAP, along with many mid-sized start-ups throughout her journey. Her background ranges from corporate marketing, PR, and brand management to business development, audience marketing, and global events management.
10. Corrado Ghinamo
Designation: CIO
Company: Bottero S.p.A
After receiving his diploma at the Scientific High School, Corrado attended the Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy’s oldest technical university. There he received a master’s degree in Electronic Engineering with specialization in robotics and physics. He was awarded the ‘Club Optime’ prize for having finished his university studies in due time and with the maximum score. Even though Corrado is the CIO of Bottero, his duties extend to the overall organization as he shoulders the responsibilities for the overall development of the company’s operating processes. He also mentions that he oversees the technical developments in the automation and supervision software of Bottero’s two main divisions such as hollow glass and flat glass with the aim to create team synergy between them.
Corrado recounts that he began working in a foreign subsidiary of Bottero after completing his degree, which was located near Düsseldorf, Germany. He admits that it was a very teaching and challenging experience for him. Since the German company was small in respect to the market dimension and everyone had to offer his/her contributions to the different activities that in a bigger company are usually done by several specialized people, he faced many adversaries. Corrado further confesses that at the beginning, he did not understand a single word of the local language and after the working hours, he felt quite alone. However, in the later period, he learned German, made friends, and now he remembers it as one of the best years of his life. While talking about his career, Corrado states that he learned a lesson, “Never to give up or to despair”.
11. Dave Seibert
Designation: CIO
Company: IT Innovators
Dave Seibert has 45-years of technology and leadership experience. He is a 25-year solution provider. His leadership has advanced IT Innovators as market leaders. Moreover Dave is a sought-after speaker for keynotes and conferences. His unique approach and innovations earned him 1 of 4 Microsoft Global Influencers in the U.S., presenting for the US Small Business Administration (SBA), United Way, and other organizations on business technology transformation and advancement.
12. Dr Angela Lee Siew Hoong
Designation: Associate Professor
Company: Sunway University
Dr Angela Lee Siew Hoong is an Associate Professor at Sunway University. She introduced, developed, and is currently teaching Analytics and Data Science programmes at Sunway University. Angela has been developing a data science curriculum since 2009. She prepares her students to enter the analytics workforce by staying up to date with the industry needs and considers herself an “advocate” of data science. Angela is the key person to introduce the Analytics and Data Science degree at Sunway University.
She was recognized by the SAS Institute as the 2021’s ‘Distinguished Analytics Educator of the Year’ and regularly speaks at data science and analytics conferences. Also Angela has developed many innovative ways to use analytics and data science tools from the most elementary level to advanced analytics. Moreover She teaches Social Media Analytics, Visual Analytics, Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence and has authored many published articles in the area of churn analytics, sentiment analysis and predictive analytics.
13. Dr. Jeffrey Draves
Designation: Director of data science and analytics
Company: Graceland
Dr. Jeffrey Draves is the Director of data science and analytics at Graceland and also a professor of chemistry. He oversees both the BS and the MS degree programs in data science. His journey to data science began with an interest in molecular modelling, which grew into machine learning and artificial intelligence applications in chemistry. He has also developed an interest in the educational aspects and applications of data science and analytics in the sector.
14. Dr. Madhu Chitkara
Designation: Pro-Chancellor
Company: Chitkara University
Dr. Madhu Chitkara is the Pro-Chancellor of Chitkara University. She says that the institute’s collaboration with market leaders like SAS, Ernst, and Young, Imarticus Learning, Basecamp SkillLabs, 3AI to mention a few; speak about its established academia-industry collaborations with proven industry expertise and capabilities to help organizations transform analytically. Such as According to Madhu, graduates from the institute’s programs are serving organizations among the ‘Big 4 Audit Firms’ like Global Intelligence and Analytics Consulting, Global Business Research and Analytics Services, Global Market Research Firms, and more.
15. Dr. Seth Dobrin
Designation: President
Company: Responsible AI Institute (RAI Institute)
Seth was IBM’s first-ever Global Chief AI Officer where he led the entire corporate AI strategy. In his role, he was also responsible for connecting AI development and governance across IBM’s divisions with a systemic creation of business outcomes. moreover In his current role as the President of the Responsible AI Institute (RAI Institute), Seth is responsible for building RAI Institute into the de facto standard for validation that automated systems are implemented responsibly. This includes building the necessary membership base of corporates, software vendors, and professional services organizations to a critical mass as well as the offerings that meet the demands of society, regulators, and the markets.
Seth has a long experience in innovating enterprises through data and AI extending beyond RAII and IBM to many other companies. By sharing his expertise, he has helped several Fortune 500 companies to design and execute AI strategies via a human-centered methodology that he has created. He also assures to provide the same level of expertise to Qantm AI customers through assets developed and his previous experiences and learnings.
Seth has earned multiple recognitions in the field including Unconferences 2023 Top 100 Data & Analytics Professional Award and has been named one of Corinium’s Top 100 Leaders in Data & Analytics 2022. He was also nominated as AI Innovator of the Year in 2021 and won the AI Summit award, which recognized Seth as a business leader who has trail-blazed breakthrough AI solutions.
16. Dr. V Francis John
Designation: Chief Executive Officer
Company: ZtartUp Network
A visionary in its true sense, John doesn’t hesitate to understand various business aspects from Operation to Business Development, Administration, Auditing, and more to solve problems. However At the end of the day, the quintessence of his leadership is leading from the front by putting himself into a task, working with the team, and guiding them to solve the problem. With over 40 years of experience in tech, leadership, governance and policy, John Francis dons several hats. He is CEO of Ztartup Network, Director of Startup Village, mUrgency INC and MU Holdings.
He is also the founder of Intelligent Beings, an organization that seeks to leverage emerging technologies to realize smart industry and ecosystems of innovation and collaboration. As a champion of finding techn-oriented solutions, Mr. Francis has helped several companies to establish and scale up in this fast-changing world. Additionally Leveraging technology to find and bridge disparities has been his mission. More importantly, after decades dabbling in various multiple entrepreneurial ventures of his own. Moreover The prospect of mentoring, coaching, guiding, tutoring the next generation of startups and entrepreneurs is an inspirational experience of imparting decades of knowledge and experience aggregation.
17. Emil Somekh
Designation: Founder and CEO
Company: SolidCAM
Emil Somekh started his professional career in the Aerospace Industry, developing CAD/CAM products. Emil claims that he has also dealt with CAD/CAM, in both his Master’s and Doctoral studies. He founded SolidCAM in 1984 and has been the CEO of the company since then.
Founding the company and successfully managing it through all its phases is something that has shaped the CEO qualities of Emil successfully. Also He expresses, “The most primary challenge was locating the potential market (CNC machine shops) and developing the best CAM product for it. Also, being able to run the company finances successfully with only a small family investment was challenging.”
18. Fabrice Testa
Designation: Co-Founder and CFO
Company: Maana Electric
Embarking on his professional career in 1991, Fabrice Testa started as an engineer managing large projects for the space and astronomy industries. Soon thereafter, fascinated by and keen to capitalize on the booming field of multimedia, he started his own business, which became the first company to install interactive touchscreen kiosks in the children’s playgrounds of McDonald’s restaurants. Fabrice also installed those same interactive touchscreen kiosks in hospitals for sick and disabled children.
Today, he is a successful entrepreneur, angel and mentor who has helped 100+ companies to excel in their field and achieve extraordinary results. Fabrice is a natural and inspiring leader who is appreciated for his outstanding capabilities and mindset. He provides concrete actionable support, either by doing or by inspiring, to entrepreneurs so they can materialize their dreams. Fabrice is interested in leveraging people, developing businesses, training, mentoring and coaching.
He delivers passionate keynotes, and he also moderates efficiently panels about the age of exponential acceleration, the innovation trends and transitions, the success factors and pitfalls of angel investing and many more topics.
19. Frederico Samartini
Designation: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Company: Yssy and Co.
FredericoSamartini is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Yssy and Co. He has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and also possesses three master’s degrees: an MSC in operations research and neural networks, an MBA, and a master’s in finance from the London Business School. At Yssy, Frederico’s role as the hands-on CEO stretches starts from strategic thinking to routine management. He says that for a leader who is working at a company that is fast transforming itself, growing two digits a year, and bringing onboard new staff every week, it is very important that the CEO be aware and present daily organizational challenges. Frederico also adds that cultural strength, enforcing values, leading through motivation and guidance to excel are some of the most important attributes of his role.
20. Gary Lovell
Designation: CIO
Company: 33 Degrees South Consulting
Gary Lovell is the CIO of 33 Degrees South Consulting. With full support to multiple international customers, predominantly in the US and Europe, and the Netherlands, Gary is contributing greatly to the company. He started his career in the IT industry in 1997 from a legal banking background as a Cobol programmer. Gary shifted to the retail industry and moved into aerospace and has been in the manufacturing and aerospace sector since 2004. He has worked in Hewlett Packard Enterprise for 19 years as an SVC developer as well as an information specialist senior. He has two Diplomas in Delphi Programming and Computer Programming with sufficient skills such in business analysis, project management, business process improvement, SDLC, and many more.
21. Hafiz Sheikh Adnan Ahmed
Designation: Co-Founder and CIO
Company: AZAAN
Hafiz Sheikh Adnan Ahmed’s journey started back in 2005 as a Quality Assurance Engineer and over the years, he shaped his career as Information & Cybersecurity, Data Privacy, and Business Governance/Risk/Compliance Advisor. Such as Hafiz is the Co-Founder and CIO of AZAAN, and his role is to drive and align business strategies of the company’s esteemed clients towards Information & Cybersecurity centric and to oversee the people, processes, and technologies within the organizations to ensure they deliver outcomes that support the goals of the business.
22. Himanshu Sharma
Designation: Chief Information Officer
Company: Fair Fintech
He is an IT leader who is highly focused, value-driven, and has an engineering mindset across various technologies. well-known for bringing well-rounded and cross-functional 19 years of experience in application development, enterprise architecture, digital transformation, technology management, resource management, and cybersecurity. He is currently building Neobank, Fair Fintech, Inc. while leading the IT and development team. Recently, Himanshu has released FairPay mobile banking app for iPhone and Android users. He has built the state-of-the-art Membership Portal, a single window to provide Fair customers with banking and financial services. Also He has successfully implemented advanced operations services using automation, data sciences, and AI technology to reduce the manual work in Fair Fintech. In 2015, he Also established TechJuly, an IT training company. TechJuly’s mission is to create world-class technologists by personalizing and individualizing training to address the massive skills gap in the IT industry.
It provides self-paced online learning, virtual instructor-led training, on-the-job training, implementation, and hands-on experience through labs, mentoring, and peer-to-peer learning. In addition, it provides training to experienced IT professionals who want to upskill or switch their careers and for fresh graduates starting their IT career on the right foot. Himanshu built the jGallery App, a solution to transfer, share, and backup media files like photos and videos. This suite comes with Mac, iPhone, and Android apps with cloud integration. It helps users quickly find, tag, and share media with friends and family. jGallery allows transferring videos, photos, and documents from one device to another. The App is highly-rated and has more than 50K installs on the Google Play store. He is an eminent advisor and investor in various startups mentoring young entrepreneurs and helping establish multiple startups in the US and India.
23. Jai Chitkara
Designation: CEO
Company: KTech Products
Jai Chitkara is one such leader who is contributing to the IT-sphere with passion and dedication. Moreover Jai Chitkara, the CEO of KTech Products, has over 25 years of leadership and IT program management experience across multiple industry verticals. Also He has managed many multimillion-dollar IT projects and big-sized project teams with a 100% success rate in big and small consulting companies, higher education, public sector, retail, oil and gas, media, golf, manufacturing, fleet maintenance, food service, and pharmaceutical, and has played all types of roles in the IT sector. Furthermore Recognizing his contributions, Jai was recognized with the UiPath MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award in2021. Jai shares that his experience collaborating with the CIOs, AVPs, CFOs, Controllers, Finance Directors, HR VPs, Vice-Chancellors, Provosts, and various department heads have resulted in creating innovative solutions that focus on customer success.
24. James Lancaster
Designation: CEO
Company: Renew IT
James Lancaster is the CEO of Renew IT. He started his journey with Renew IT in 2007 from his kitchen table. Moreover The purpose was to promote the reuse of used equipment and avoid it finding its way into landfills. “A lot of the equipment which was disposed by the people has served its purpose for them, but still had another life to be had in the hands of another user,” says James. He has been doing this since the 1990s when sustainability and responsible recycling wasn’t even a thought.
It was clear to him how many waste companies were contributing to the impact on the environment and the most obvious thing to him was “the best form of recycling is to reuse”.So, he created a business model around it. Today James oversees the running of all the facilities, engaging with all his team members daily. James loves to play by his hands, not just in the senior management but also on the kit in the warehouse with the tech guys too.
25. Jared Whitaker
Designation: CEO
Company: Fluid
Jared Whitaker is the CEO of Fluid. He joined the company in 2020 as the COO and since then he has been ensuring a smooth running and business optimization of all operations. He was appointed as the CEO in July 2021. At his current role, he grows the business, ensures successful scaling, and secures the future of the business with proper investments and planning.
Jared has been working in large banks and financial services institutions for the past 18 years and has been involved in some of the largest projects and pieces of work available in various mergers and acquisitions in order to power regulatory efforts such as Brexit and Basel 2. Jared has hands-on experience in the business sector as he has been on the management committee of large institutions by working closely with the day-to-day running of businesses.
26. Karmesh Gupta
Designation: Co-Founder & CEO
Company: WiJungle
Mr. Karmesh Gupta completed his certification in ethical hacking and joined Lucideus Technology as an analyst. After this stint, he served as COO at Decent Solutions, Gwalior. He then co-founded his startup – Http Cart Technologies (Leading IT Product Company) in October 2014 along with his cousin Praveen Gupta. In April 2015, Http Cart became the first-ever Indian private company to launch Completely Free WiFi – “WiJungle”. Started an entrepreneurial journey at the age of 17. Forbes selected Karmesh Gupta in the 30 Under 30 Asia 2020 List. Mr. Karmesh has also served as the creative lead on Google Core Committee. Through this skimp, he connected the gap between his campus and Google via conducting innovative activities, events, workshops, presentations, or anything productive that can suggestively create an effect on everybody’s personal and professional life. Recently Mr. Karmesh Gupta received the National Award on the National Technology Day’ 2022.
27. Kevin Dallas
Designation: President and CEO
Company: Wind River
Kevin Dallas is responsible for all aspects of the company’s business globally and has more than 25 years of experience driving digital innovation and growth at technology companies.
Kevin joined Wind River from Microsoft in February 2020, where he served as the Corporate Vice President for cloud and AI business development. At Microsoft, he led a team creating partnerships that enable the digital transformation of customers and partners across a range of industries, including connected/autonomous vehicles, industrial IoT, discrete manufacturing, retail, financial services, media and entertainment, and healthcare.
Prior to joining Microsoft in 1996, Kevin held roles at NVIDIA Corporation and National Semiconductor (now Texas Instruments Inc.) in the U.S., Europe, and the Middle East in positions that included microprocessor design, and systems engineering, product management, and end-to-end business leadership. Besides the above-mentioned accolades, Kevin is also currently serving as a director on the board of Align Technology, Inc., which he states has given him insight into how companies are actually run. He has acquired a B.Sc. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England.
28. Kevin Wideman
Designation: CEO
Company: Koniag Government Services
Kevin Wideman is the CEO of Koniag Government Services with over 30 years of experience in leadership positions. Kevin focuses on revenue growth, strategic planning, operational excellence, and customer delivery. He specializes in transitioning and building a business culture based upon high-quality customer service, recognition of outstanding employee performance, and the common pursuit of company goals. Kevin’sextensive background in information technology, program management and development, and systems engineering has empowered him to position KGS as a leader and sought-after partner within the Government Information Technology Services industry. Since joining KGS in September 2018, Kevin has led the company’s growth from performing US$100+ million in annual revenues to US$500+ million projected for FY 2022, with corresponding net profits that are growing exponentially. He drove the company from130 employees to an incredible team of more than 1700 today.
29. Kiran Palla
Designation: Chief Information Officer
Company: OneNine AI
Kiran Palla came to the US in 1992 and completed M.S from the New York Institute of Technology and an MBA from Northern Illinois University, IL. He is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at OneNine AI, which is a no-code Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning platform. Has a strong consulting background by forming AVS Consultants Inc in 2001 and currently serves as a technology advisor, executive mentor, board member, and board chairman for multiple organizations. He is the recipient of the United States Presidential Gold Service Award.
Kiran admits that his passion for education made him start his online academy, AVS Academy, which is a college prep academy that focuses on developing persuasive leadership skills through effective communication. Under his guidance, more than 1,759 students went through college preparation, and they are currently studying in 96 global universities. Kiran further describes that he conducted 759 online seminars on topics in education, family health, finances, and career planning.
He ran 158 Edu talk shows at major NPO organizations, educational institutions, and private corporations. Kiran recounts that when he was in his first IT job at Andersen Consulting, the company used to have daily issues with replication, and the business leaders were worried since IT had no solution for the problem for a long time. One day, Kiran tried a small script of two-line code that stopped replication errors for 1,600 servers. The business team sent goodies, cakes, and flowers, and started treating him like a king. He says, “I was like why is the business team so excited for my small fix.
I did not realize that business teams were losing almost US$50,000 per day due to the issue.” He further talks about how Andersen CIO was called upon the stage at a Lotus Notes conference, and he credited him on that grand stage for the fix. The CIO had a coffee with him and said one thing “Kiran, your fix saved IT reputation.” Kiran explained that the brief talk and subsequent incidents where IT was valued with simple acts prompted him to start his journey into roles that had wider influence. In this process, he started his own company in 2001 and stayed in business for 21 years with a customer-centric mindset. The roles at various c-levels brought him a responsibility that demanded skill, character, and empathy.
30. Maninder Singh
Designation: Managing Director
Company: Manzeera Solutions
Business Intelligence Expert, Principal Consultant and Solution Architect. Author of flagship model: The BI Pentagon of Success. Capability head of an experienced consultancy team. Experienced leader and strong technical background across a range of BI technologies. Owner and architect of ‘iERPConnect’ platform, enabling seamless data migration from ERPs and other sources to target platforms. Moreover International experience at enterprise level across a range of industries including manufacturing, logistics, pharmaceutical, publishing, retail, sports and transportation.
Also Extensive organizational leadership with a niche focus on business growth strategy/ revenue and profit growth. Over 15 years of experience leading and delivering end to end BI projects. Team of highly experienced, outcome driven Onshore and Offshore consultants. Guaranteed on-time, on-budget, optimized-cost implementation. Cloud BI expert: early adopter of the latest cloud BI technologies. Expert knowledge leading to the recommendation of the most appropriate BI technologies. Exceptional customer relations skills. Rapid deployment with contract staff available.
31. Manjula Mahajan
Designation: Head of Information Technology
Company: Model N
Manjula Mahajan is the Head of Information Technology at Model N. She is highly proficient at partnering with C-level Businesses and IT executives in establishing vision, roadmap, governance, and execution strategy. Moreover Manjula likes to declare her leadership style as direct with a focus on strategy and business outcomes. Also She is very passionate about business goals and believes in involving the teams in defining those by keeping herself and the team accountable for tasks. Furthermore In her previous role, Manjula transformed the Data and Analytics organization in NetApp from an operations-driven organization to a strategy-led organization.
This was a difficult journey, which included assessing technology, processes, and people making changes to all three aspects of the 3-legged stool. Moreover Being direct and having clear goals with the organization really helped Manjula drive all three parts of the puzzle. Manjula considers herself as a driver who leads at the front. Also Understanding the business strategy and vision, she is passionate about building the technology strategy that can enable business leaders to improve their operations and grow the top line. Manjula is a big believer in data-led organizations and has trust in making tough decisions with the help of data for business benefits. Manjula is an empathetic leader who cannot keep emotions aside, so she likes to connect with her teams at the personal level to understand their thoughts and feelings.
32. Mark Bryant
Designation: CEO
Company: Latium Technologies
Dynamic and experienced executive with a strong track record of conceptualizing, developing, implementing, managing, and marketing technology based business solutions, gained through hands-on and leadership roles in the financial services, software, engineering, manufacturing & construction sectors. Superior innovation, analytical and problem solving skills coupled with strong team leadership, passion to succeed, and technical knowledge has resulted in continuous success and accomplishments.
33. Martin Strigač
Designation: CEO
Company: Sygic
Martin Strigač is the CEO of Sygic. He took up the position in January 2018. He joined Sygic in 2015 as the Vice President Enterprise Solutions from the international software company Asseco. Also Worked there in a senior management position and was part of the supervisory boards of subsidiaries. Additionally One of the Sygic co-founders is his friend and classmate from university studies, and this led Martin to know the story of Sygic from the beginning. Martin says, “I have never focused on my career path too much.”
He felt that everything came naturally. Martin studied management and information technology, worked as a developer, team lead, solution and enterprise architect, project manager, IT director, and so on. Also He helped M&A teams with successful acquisitions and post-merger integration and was part of top management and supervisory boards. “Becoming a true leader, who inspires teams, requires skills that one can only acquire over time through hard work,” opines Martin. “When we have a job that fulfills us, the challenges are something we expect as a daily routine. I am a lucky person in my professional life because I always had work, I love,” adds Martin.
34. Martynas Sarapinas
Designation: CIO
Company: Girteka Logistics
Having joined as CIO and Executive Board Member just two years ago, the main challenge for Martynas Sarapinas was ‘Delivering perfection’ while facing a heavily scrutinized industry against the worst of the COVID-19 fallout and the turbulence caused. The company needed a rapid strategic pivot to a more innovative and sustainable business model that is a stepping stone towards mastering the digital edge. Martynas believes that with strategic objectives of empowering business growth using technology and leadership through execution of strategy and organizational portfolio; sponsoring and catalyzing the group-wide digitalization program; leading operational excellence capabilities to build a culture of customer-centricity; leadership of Global Business Services setup for the Group.
Martynas brings a broad technology and transformation leadership experience from principal positions in financial & technology companies. He previously held positions like the First Vice President at Danske Bank, MobilePay (MobilePay is considered the No. 1 app in Denmark and the No. 2 strongest brand in Denmark within customer experience), and strategic transformational roles at Barclays Bank PLC. He holds an MBA in Finance & Business Management, along with several executive education programs at Oxford Saïd Business School and Kellogg School of Management.
35. Mathew Garver
Designation: CEO
Company: HiQo Solutions
Mathew Garver is the CEO of HiQo Solutions, Inc. worldwide. Also He has 25 years of experience in international business, focused on private equity, finance, strategy, and operations for growth companies. Mathew served in key executive roles for Liberty Street Capital, DLA Piper, CGL Engineering, and others including Chairman, CEO, and CFO. Moreover His role at Liberty Street was focused on investing and managing growth companies in software, technology, systems integration, engineering, and infrastructure sectors for family offices and institutional investors. Moreover One of the favourite roles as mentioned by Mathew was co-leading DLA Piper’s Global Infrastructure Steering Committee, which at the time was the world’s largest law firm. Also He served as a C-level executive driving business strategy across North America, Europe, and LATAM.
36. Mayank Singh
Designation: Chief Digital Officer & Vice President – Marketing & Technology
Company: Domino’s Pizza Indonesia
Over the last three years, Mayank has contributed to executing strategies to support the growth of Domino’s Pizza Indonesia. also He has played a great role in devising and leading strategies for multiple departments under two functions Marketing & Technology to drive high-impact results for the growth of the company to become among the fastest-growing Domino’s Market. Further, he has been driving sales by leading forward-thinking tactical campaigns and technical strategies. He was also involved in establishing food-tech, banks, wallets, and eCommerce platform partnerships while building & managing corporate sales and strategic business partnerships in Indonesia for Domino’s Pizza.
Mayank has been serving as a thought leader while guiding the technology department to design and implement the digital strategy and transformation, including the first Fully integrated only QSR in Indonesia to automate orders from the Food aggregator directly into POS on lead generating model, etc. Also, he has been optimizing call centre operation for cost efficiency, reducing query resolution time, and driving the NPS score and ratings on each platform including App stores, ranking top 3 in the QSR industry in Indonesia.
37. Michel Hamilton
Designation: Chief Strategy, Transformation & Digital Officer
Company: Maybank Indonesia
At Maybank Indonesia, as the CEO’s direct report, Michel is mandated to lead and be the agent of change in the bank to shape, transform, redefine, fine-tune and sharpen also the bank-wide strategy and ensure the execution and benefit realization of the strategic transformation program. Also The strategy and transformation initiatives will be related to business strategy, digital transformation, data and analytics, and process excellence delivery. Moreover Michel works closely with all elements in the bank from all departments and divisions. He also aligns with the regional team to ensure a clear roadmap and coordination on all corporate strategy initiative execution.
In 2020, Michel was assigned to grow the bank’s digital business in alignment with a local and regional strategy that put digital at the core of the bank’s strategy. Currently, he is leading more than 100 team members using CAPEX of IDR 75bn for digital enhancement to accelerate the digitalization agenda of the bank rapidly. Over the first year of the mandate, the digital business, transaction, volume and revenue have grown more than 35% YoY. In late 2021, Michel was also assigned to lead the digital non-retail solution, including transaction channel, Open API, digital trade, and digital supply chain financing solution.
38. Mike Romeri
Designation: CEO
Company: Analytics2Go
Mike Romeri worked as a management consultant for almost 25 years with a firm that’s now owned by PWC before cofounding OPSRules. OPSRules was engaged in AI consulting projects with a vision to provide unique. Moreover Highly sophisticated AI solutions to cater to the needs of the supply chain and price optimization sectors. Also the company took up several projects starting from early-stage e-commerce companies to Fortune 500 companies providing them with real-time intelligence for decision making. OPSRules was sold to Accenture in 2016 and since then. Mike put a phenomenal team of data scientists and business veterans together to build Analytics2Go (A2Go). The goal at A2Go is to deliver easy-to-use. Powerful AI solutions to all businesses so they can continue to compete with the Amazons of the world.
39. Raj Muppala
Designation: Founder and CEO
Company: HaiX AI
Raj Muppala is an entrepreneur and an AI innovation solutions architect. He has over 18 years of global experience in playing various senior business and IT leadership roles. Also Raj is the Founder and CEO at HaiX AI. He has led digital transformation, big data, and AI innovation with Fortune 500 companies like Shell and Hitachi.
40. Ram Konduru
Designation: Founder and CEO
Company: Aviskaran Technologies
Ram Konduru is the proactive Founder and CEO of Aviskaran Technologies. Also he is an executive leader, serving as a trusted advisor and confidante to executives, board members, management teams, and staff. Futher In collaboration with enterprise business process owners to establish policies, governance procedures, management, and standards. Also He has managed technology and business process delivery teams to develop modern scalable enterprise architecture, implement digital strategy and roadmaps, and enable competitive enterprises to use their data as a strategic asset.
Moreover Ram has built a Technology Center of Excellence and Competencies for organizations in his executive role to create training requirements and promote data-driven culture. Also As a solutions-focused leader, he has helped multi-billion-dollar businesses become data-driven by increasing their agility, enhancing operational efficiency and effectiveness, and improving their innovation to unlock new revenue streams through digital transformation initiatives. His strategic initiative for a Fortune 500 company resulted in an increase in improved operational efficiencies by over 75% and the facilitation of more than 60% data availability for global business users. His advanced analytics and data science initiative at an auction company resulted in an additional US$50 million in revenue as a result of fixing revenue leakages and quicker inventory turnover.
41. Rizwan Rajpoot
Designation: Group Chief Digital Officer
Company: L’azurde
A positive, proactive and dynamic senior executive with a highly successful background in e-commerce management specialising in developing innovative applications and bespoke solutions designed to substantially improve the customer experience whilst increasing sales and conversion rates.
An innovative strategist capable of identifying and maximising opportunities to attract and retain customers whilst managing campaigns and initiatives to enhance brand impact in competitive markets. A confident communicator capable of preparing and delivering effective presentations, both verbal and written, and of developing mutually beneficial relationships at the highest level.
A motivational and inspirational leader who is proficient in the building and development of successful and productive teams of staff. Moreover A skilled eCommerce/online manager with the proven ability to plan and manage resources and delivering solutions that meet client requirements within budget and timescale constraints. A confident communicator and relationship builder at all levels, who thrives on new challenges and opportunities to add value.
42. Sajid Azmi
Designation: Founder and CEO
Company: Yegertek
Sajid Azmi is the Founder and CEO of Yegertek. He is also a committed believer in the transformative power of tech-driven innovation. Being a serial entrepreneur and a seasoned corporate leader, Sajid brings 20 years. His experience across multiple verticals to the table. Also With Sajid at the helm, Yegertek has already built a formidable reputation as a leader in customer engagement technology, facilitating the capture and segmentation of customer data to derive actionable insights. According to Sajid, the inspiration to start Yegertek goes way back to his engineering days when he developed a penchant for service- and innovation-driven businesses.
This drive took him to Infosys. Where he worked as a Project Manager for seven good years, honing his IT skills. This was followed by stints at fashion brand REDTAG and Geant Hypermarkets ME. Which fostered the retail expertise that would later help him formulate Yegertek’s omnichannel value propositions. Sajid also co-founded MyMedicNow, a digital platform for medical services, doctors, and patients that is geared towards streamlining healthcare journeys. So, Yegertek was the culmination of a steep learning curve across IT, retail, and healthcare. And as a lifelong learner, the intention and efforts will continue to take Yegertek to greater heights.
43. Sami Al Adawi
Designation: CEO
Company: ESBAAR
He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Kentucky. The USA and has developed a passion for artificial intelligence and machine learning. Since 2017, he put his immense knowledge and experience to work along with his team towards building ESBAAR. Within 4 years, Sami and the co-founders managed to lead ESBAAR and turn it into one of the leading drone companies in the GCC region.
Through the vision of ESBAAR’s founding team, Also the company managed to influence the industry and the policies in Oman to support disruptive technologies and applications that led to putting the country on the top among other MEAN region countries.
44. Sandra Forero
Designation: Chief Operating Officer
Company: ZS
Sandra’s expertise is in strategic commercial issues and leveraging data, analytics, and technology to advance more intelligent decision-making. She has partnered with top biopharmaceutical organizations to transform their global analytic, digital, and technology capabilities. Over the last 20 years, she has served life sciences clients and focused on supporting the decision-making of commercial leaders. As well as leaders in analytics, operations, and technology. Sandra was named one of the Top 25 Consultants by Consulting Magazine in 2012. Prior to joining ZS, she worked as a management consultant in a broad range of industries and specialized in strategic and organizational issues internationally.
Sandra holds an MBA from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business Administration. Also She received a B.S. in Business Administration from La Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia.
45. Sanjay Verma
Designation: Vice President– of IT
Company: Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
As a Technology and digital leader, he lives with the vision too take the company ahead to the next level of business and step up the ladder of success every day. Moreover He has remained associated with some huge business brands like Somany Ceramics, JK Lakshmi Cement & Standard Chartered with the same capacity. Such as His dedication to digital Transformation & Process Excellence shows the way towards initiatives inclusive of IoT, RPA, Business Predictive Analysis, Cloud & Business Continuity Planning, Enterprise Application & Mobility, Security & Risk Compliance, and User Behavior Analytics. Remaining firmly rooted in the culture of the company held its head high with many prestigious awards. Through constant endeavors, Sanjay remained an active member of various CIO communities. Also His role in the company was quite crucial as security is the keyword in the pharma sector and the same was consistently maintained.
46. Saurabh Gupta
Designation: CEO and Co-Founder
Company: VeriSmart Ai
He is a serial entrepreneur with two successful exits in the past and the last one got acquired by the Times group. He has been working all through process automation and AI since 2008 when the first exposure came with the Autonomous Vehicle Challenge of DARPA Labs (US) where the team represented India and got into 25 final participating teams.
It is a hugely prestigious event that leads to autonomous vehicle rage across the globe from Google, Tesla, Wymo, and more. Later on, Saurabh worked with GMR and BCG that offered valuable and very much required corporate experience in the AI and Electric Vehicle (EV) domain respectively. This experience led him to become a mentor at EESL while having the confidence to start a venture called Ticnpic.
A visual discovery and video commerce platform in 2015. It created waves at that time, but being ahead of its time, it took a long learning curve for the entire market to adopt. Presently, Saurabh is working for Verismart Ai (Metawing Technology, Inc.), which works on privacy-compliant data sharing. The team works on AI and blockchain technology to enable enterprises for automated onboarding processes as per regulatory guidelines as well as protect their data by applying different layers of AI, data anonymization, data analytics for zero-knowledge proof, and more for better user data access management and control strengthening the data privacy. Verismart Ai has acquired an AI conversational company to enhance its services.
47. Shailendra Mruthyunjayappa
Designation: CEO
Company: Fintellix
During his 2 decades of diverse and distinct experience as a technology professional, entrepreneur and business leader. Gained in various geographies. Also Shailendra has been privileged to work with some exceptional individuals. Including several colleagues and clients, who’ve been a great source of inspiration and learning for him. Leadership is indeed a journey that involves self-awareness and continuous improvement, and Shailendra hopes it never stops.
He wouldn’t know how others perceive himself as a leader. Shailendra’s endeavor is to be an agile and pragmatic leader. Keeping the team motivated and aligned with the company goals and strategies. Moreover Being collaborative or persuasive or experimental as the situation demands. Always working with empathy, humility, and integrity, and to get the job done!
48. Shekhar Gupta
Designation: CEO
Company: MyAnIML
Shekhar Gupta is the CEO of MyAnIML. He believes that technology can solve many challenges he faces. Also In the early 90s, no one ever actually thought that Ford would become a software company and that the ‘Internet of Things’. Would help a farmer plan their watering needs. Shekhar had many successes and failures in his professional career and has always learnt from both equally. Looking back at his career. He realizes that there have been many times when he was a little too early. Shekhar, who is in the technology field for so long now knows when to launch what technology.
He has also encountered many biases in his career and his life where he managed diverse teams of various sizes. Has seen the bias all along his path. Shekhar always strived hard to remove the bias aspect from his team and from his companies to provide an equal opportunity to everyone in order to be successful. In one of Shekhar’s other companies that are dedicated to education tech. He is creating a platform with a good motif so the disadvantaged population gets the same opportunity to excel. According to Shekhar.
AI has been around for some time but lately. Moreover It is picking up steam and having issues with its own biases as well. He always knew that someday technology could help in sorting this out, and now. That AI has matured enough, he knows it is a good time to start talking about the existing biases in technology. “These biases come from dataset labelling and as long as we have our own biases. We will continue to label the dataset accordingly,” Shekhar remarks. As part of being an AI innovator and influencer. He is working very hard to convince people to stop using their own biases in labelling datasets and thus creating a biased AI.
49. Shivagami Gugan
Designation: Group Chief Technology Officer
Company: IDC Technologies
She is a technology transformation leader with international experience in building digital strategies with over 22 years of aviation and financial domain expertise. She specializes in building IT organizational strategies. Such as Delivering large portfolios, running software engineering and operations, vendor management and outsourcing strategies, service management, DevSecOps, Cloud, and SRE operations in large-scale, mission-critical IT environments. Shivagami has accomplished 30% improvements in efficiencies and up to 4X times improvement in software release cycles over 20 months.
Moreove Having led multi-million-dollar technology and enterprise data transformations for the Emirates Group. She joined IDC as their Global Group CTO to further expand their businesses and extend the service portfolio into digital domains. Moreover The team helps in exploring new technology frontiers to strategize, leverage, and build solutions. That can deliver sustainable value for the industry.
50. Tuomas Kaulio
Designation: CIO
Company: Finnvera
Tuomas Kaulio is the CIO of Finnvera. He is a pragmatic and development-driven IT leader. Also He has worked as a Chief Information Officer (CIO) for over ten years now. First in telecommunications and then in the financial services domain at Finnvera. His work builds on a deep understanding of technology and experience in developing agile and lean operations in a DevOps manner.
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